What If You Could Retire

Starting Tomorrow?

You may think I’m nuts, but I’ll prove it’s possible.
If you’re over the age of 50 and you’re worried that:

  • You’ll never be able to retire
  • You won’t have enough money to retire
  • You’ll be forced to work during your retirement years
  • You’ll run out of money in retirement

Then you'll want to read every word on this page.

You're going to discover a retirement income stream which people are using to eliminate retirement worries and overcome retirement fears.

You’re probably used to all the gloomy stories

when it comes to retirement.

Stories like these... 

What words do YOU hear? 

Fear ... Worry ... Scared ... Miracle 

I’m going to change that today because…  
 I’ve had enough of the ‘gloom and doom’ crowd, and frankly, I hope you have, too.

Let's begin here: 

You Have More Money Than You Think You Do

What you don’t have is someone showing you how to use the money you have to restore your confidence in:
Being able to to retire;
Enjoying your retirement years;
Having retirement assets that never run out; and,
Choosing your own retirement adventure.
FEAR of running out of money;
the WORRY of losing your independence, or
ELIMINATING the 'fun' from your retirement years.
Yes, you are allowed to have FUN in retirement. Isn’t that the POINT?

Even if you’re a younger investor, you can achieve whatever dreams you may have for yourself: buying a home, putting kids through college…

…even this crazy idea:

What If You Could Retire...

Starting Tomorrow?

Hello, I'm John Hutchinson with Traders Reserve.

Since 2011, we’ve helped over 11,283 investors eliminate:
Fear of opening the brokerage statement because you just know it’s going to be bad news.
Sleepless nights worrying they’ll never be able to retire.
Retirement penny-pinching because every penny spent means you’ll have to die one day sooner.
…and instead, with just one step - restored their hopes in the American Retirement Adventure.

I’ll predict something ridiculous right now:

If you read every word on this page you will walk away

and come back to it again and again…


Because at first you’re going to be angry (it’s ok, it happens).

You’ll be angry because you've followed all the rules, you've done what you were told to do and yet ...

...here you are, right now, searching for a solution to a problem.

Perhaps you, too, are avoiding the brokerage statements, counting pennies, suffering sleepless nights, or just needing a miracle

And, because nobody has shared this specific idea with you and it flies in the face of everything you’re told about retirement today.

You’ll be excited, too, because INSTANTLY different ideas will pop into YOUR head about problems you could be solving for yourself, if you only knew HOW…

Because you didn’t know that a potentially powerful income source could change everything you’re told by the media and the (so-called) experts about retirement.

Including WHEN you retire.

Possibly as soon as tomorrow!

I’m going to give you an inside look at our private investor files to see what’s possible…

… because every single person you’re about to meet was exactly where you are right now:

  • Trying to solve an income or retirement problem.
  • Worried about retiring in the future.
  • Or hoping to survive retirement right now.

Each of them took the same first step in this new Retirement Income Adventure.
They can do what they want to do, when they want to do it.
They aren’t worried about alarm clocks or time clocks.
They don’t have to fight rush hour traffic, twice each day.
They don’t have the daily stress of a job, so they have more time for their family.

According to the AARP, more than half of Americans over the age of 50 worry they won’t have enough money to live on during their retirement years.

Not only is that a serious crisis for people over 50 and people who are retired today,

…it’s a warning sign for people who are UNDER 50, who hope to retire “some day.”

In other words, you are not alone with these fears.

But I do know …

… that there is a way …

… to retire sooner…

… perhaps as early as tomorrow…

… if you’re willing to take this one step today.

I’ll share that one step with you in just a few moments.

First, you'll meet people who are using an income source so powerful, they have overcome those retirement fears and eliminated those retirement worries.

You’ll hear from people who are enjoying retirement (like you’re supposed to do) because they no longer worry about money.

They are spending time with family and friends, enjoying their favorite restaurants and destinations, traveling, golfing, fishing, and other hobbies.

…instead of worrying about money.

Like Brad L., who spends his afternoons taking his grandson to fun places in Vancouver, like the BC Rodeo and Country Fair.

Seriously, what kid wouldn’t want to rodeo ride a sheep!?

Or, Earl B., who spends his afternoons fishing with friends in the Gulf of Mexico:

 “Today’s catch. We had 12 hits, boated 8 and kept 2. Just a beautiful day!” 9/16/24 

Others have turned hobbies into small businesses - Like Linda, who owns a small family farm, even though she’s a retired airline pilot…

…while others donate time to their community or their favorite causes.

They have the freedom to do whatever they choose to do, whenever they choose to do it.

Most importantly, they have the one thing they value MORE than money:


They’ve said “No, thank you,” to the Rocking Chair Retirement

and “Absolutely Not” to Forced Working in Retirement.

…and “Yes, Please,” to a New Retirement Adventure.

They’re able to worry less and have time to enjoy more by using this new retirement income stream in as little as 20 minutes per week.

Linda, Brad, Earl, Leona, Rick, Jon, ElizabethClare, and hundreds of other people we’ve helped – they all have one thing in common:

They were all worried about retirement - either having enough to retire or enough to enjoy retirement - and made the same income discovery that you’re about to make.

Right now, you have a significant advantage over millions of other people because you have the chance to make this discovery today. 

Most people won’t…

Let me show you why that’s true and then how to use that advantage.

But first, let me ask you a simple question:

Is Retirement Supposed To Look Like This?

11 Million Seniors Working In Retirement

Like This 77-Year Old And His 66-Year Old Wife?
If you’re forced to work in your 70s or even in your 80s, how long can you honestly work an 8-hour a day, 5 days a week job?

The reality is the clock is ticking and time is working against them.

And you.

Because time is the one thing we never have enough of, isn’t it?

In the 1950s, Championship quarterback of the Detroit Lions, Bobby Layne, famously said: “I never lost a game. I just ran out of time.”

When it comes to retirement,

you can’t afford to run out of time.

Consider this: If you’re dreaming of retiring (one day), you’ve probably set your target at a million dollars, like most people today.

That’s what we’re told we need - a million dollars, right?

Except now, it’s $1.25 Million, or $1.5 Million. 

The typical U.S. worker estimates needing savings of nearly $1.5 million to retire comfortably, according to an April 2024 survey by Northwestern Mutual.
The bar keeps moving HIGHER, which makes it less likely you’ll ever have enough money to have the confidence to retire fully.

If you haven’t reached that goal by now, you probably don’t have enough time to reach it.

A simple but real-world example:

If you put $10,000 per year into an S&P 500 Index Fund every year and

If you grow that money at the S&P 500’s long-term annual return of 7.45% per year...

…it would still take you 30 years to reach a million-dollars. 

Of course, that’s IF you have $10,000 per year and IF you have 30 years – which most people don’t.

That’s just getting to retirement…

What happens IN retirement?

Most people:

Draw down their portfolio faster than it can replace what they withdrew.
Change to hyper-conservative income sources which don’t keep up with the cost of living.
Stop ‘growing’ their portfolio, which increases the risk of their money running out
Take a look at how much money it takes to get a reasonable income from safe assets…

This is the problem investors have today:

You would need half a million dollars and the BEST you can do is about $21,000 in annual income.

That works out to $1,587 in average monthly income.

Can you retire on that? Nope.

But the reality is this: Most people don’t HAVE $500,000 which means they can’t even get that $21,000 in annual income.

Which is why this next sentence might be the most important idea you read today.

I call it the Million-Dollar Myth: 

Why You Don’t Need A Million Dollars to Retire

and Why It Could Be The Biggest Mistake You Make

Let’s be honest: It’s not like you hit that million-dollar mark and some bell goes ding-ding-ding, like you’re the big winner at a pie-eating contest at the State Fair…

Because what happens the first time you withdraw money from your portfolio?

You no longer have a million dollars.

Inflation and interest rates are already wrecking your savings, making your money worth less today than just five years ago...

...and costing you more money in the future.

In 2024, you need $52,141 per year in retirement just to meet basic living costs…

... food, clothing, transportation, housing and healthcare.

Maybe a bottle of Maalox as you sit at the kitchen table at night trying to figure out how you’ll afford all of that.

Actually, do me a favor here - throw out the Maalox. When you and I finish this, you’ll never need it again.

Now if you need a car, a home or you have any other major expense, good luck – they all cost significantly more today.

That $52,141 needed just for basic living expenses means you need at least $1.25 Million to retire using standard ‘divide by 4%’ retirement calculations …


Of course, that’s IF you have $1.25 Million dollars.

To make matters worse, based on typical retirement goals, look at how much money you would need to live just 20 years in retirement:

Annual Income here is over and above social security - it’s the amount of additional income you need for a basic retirement.

And You Can't Spend A Single Dollar

More Than That Amount Per Year

Here’s the scary truth: The majority of Americans have $200,000 or less saved for retirement.


So if you’re part of that 97% who do not have a million-dollar portfolio...

That sound you hear - that ding-ding-ding-ding –

…is actually the alarm bell ringing at the firehouse because your portfolio is burning cash and you don’t have the tools to put the fire out.

Poof…all those dollars, up in smoke.

But they don’t have to be.

I told you at the start of this video -

You have more money

than you think you do

What you don’t have is someone showing you how to use the money that you do have.

As you’ll discover, you may not actually need a million dollars to retire but, you can still REACH that level, if you choose.

Actually, what will really excite you in the coming moments is this: your money never runs out.

It’s kind of like having a little money tree: Not only can you grow your money tree, but each time you take money off the tree, it grows back!

I told you at the beginning here that I’m going to give you an inside look at our private investor files to see what’s really possible…

Every single person you're about to meet

was precisely where YOU are right now...

 Scouring the internet for the right solution to a retirement income problem 

A quick ‘caveat’ before you meet people like you: Remember I said earlier that most people don’t know that this income source exists, or how to use it.

I’m sharing income results from the last 10 years so that you can see that this income source is:


NOT a Fad


NOT Get Rich Quick


NOT a Lottery Ticket

It’s a process.

You will see how this process has helped people over the last decade to eliminate their retirement worries.

Imagine What Would Change for YOU
If You Could Get Income Like This…

David “Lone Star” M.
Austin, TX

“I have been able to generate an average of $575 per week, supported by $64,000 in cash, or roughly a 46% annual return.”

David “Lone Star” M.
Austin, TX

“I have been able to generate an average of $575 per week, supported by $64,000 in cash, or roughly a 46% annual return.”

At $575 per week, that's a potential annual income of $29,900. 

Or, if he reinvested, it would grow David’s portfolio to $93,900 in a single year. 

Remember a moment ago when I showed you “safe” assets and how you’d need $500,000 just to get $21,000 annually?

Here David is on pace to get $8,000 more than that and he doesn’t have anything close to $500,000.

Imagine if he maintained that pace of growth … he would double his portfolio to over $136,422 in just two years! 

Or, if he’s taking that cash as income, that’s still nearly $30,000 in annual income – and his $64,000 is 100% intact. His money isn’t running out!

“Golfer” Jack G.
Phoenix, AZ

 “I started off with $90,000 and over the last 5 months, have grown it to $111,000.”

“Golfer” Jack G.
Phoenix, AZ

 “I started off with $90,000 and over the last 5 months, have grown it to $111,000.”

That’s $21,000 income in 5 months, or an average weekly income of $1,050.

At $1,050, that’s potential annual income of over $54,600 at his current pace.

...or, reinvested, a portfolio that’s projected to grow to over $144,000 in just one year (crazy, right?).

Jack’s example is more than double the ‘safe’ assets we reviewed, and even he doesn’t have $500,000!

So … in just two files, you’ve seen:

One investor collecting average income of $575 per week; and,
A second investor, collecting average income of $1,050 per week.

You’ve also seen two different portfolio values: $64,000 and $90,000.

Neither of those portfolios were a million dollars, either, right?

Actually, BOTH of those portfolios are seriously BELOW the typical retirement account value for investors in their 60s and 70s:

According to the Federal Reserve, the typical retirement account is worth nearly $200,000 for people in their 70s, and about $180,000 for people in their 60s.

Both Had Far Less Than A Million-Dollar Portfolio

Yet, at a potential annual income of $30,000 to $55,000, both David and Jack are getting seriously high rates of income returns on very low retirement accounts.

How are they getting income like that?

They're not day-trading stocks
They're not gambling on crypto.
They're not chasing high-yield dividend stocks.
They're not buying options.
They're not trading forex, futures

Yet, at a potential annual income of $30,000 to $55,000, both David and Jack are getting seriously high rates of income returns on very low retirement accounts.

The average monthly Social Security check as of right now is about $1,916 per month, or $22,992 per year.

But you’ll need at least $52,141 in additional income for a ‘typical’ retirement - that accounts for food, clothing, transportation, health care, housing…

(that’s the No Fun Retirement - well I guess you could walk around the block a few times and say you’ve ‘traveled’)

So, how are they doing this and what kind of risks are they taking?

First time you’ve heard that word - risk - and you’ve probably wondered, what’s the catch and I don’t blame you.

Because any endeavor that involves money always entails some level of risk, yes?

In our case, our little income secret involves acceptable risk.

Not unlike dividend investors who own stocks and accept the risk that the price of the stock could go down.

Or, Treasury Bond holders who accept the risk that the value of the bond could fall, or the yield (interest) could fall.

I suppose you could put all your money in a savings account, but the moment you have more than $250k in that account, it isn’t insured by the FDIC. So even a savings account has risk.

I don’t know why anyone would put money in a savings account anyway - I mean the banks are taking your money, paying you maybe 2% while they loan it out at 8%, 12% even 15%.

Talk about getting the short end of the stick.

Wait - what if you could be your own bank?

Yes, what if you could be your own bank?

Because that is essentially what we’re teaching people to do:

How to “borrow” against cash in their portfolio - legally and without penalties - to generate consistent cash income every week.

For every $10,000 “borrowed” our goal is a minimum return of .6% or $60 per week.

So a $100,000 retirement account could potentially produce about $600 per week.

At 52 weeks, that $31,200 in potential annual income.

Add that to social security and just like that you have $54,192, which is more than the current average cost of living in retirement.

That’s essentially your retirement expenses paid for from just $100,000 saved using this income source.

Plus, every dollar you have above that level, increases your income potential.

That’s why I say you could retire without needing a million dollars and, if you’re bold enough, you could retire as soon as tomorrow.

Now - How are they doing this? What is this income source?

What’s the income strategy they’re using?

 Selling weekly options. 

Now, I did say options and I know most people think, “No WAY - I’ve heard options are way too risky…”

Or worse…

“Oh no, I’ve lost money with options before…”

You’re not wrong. When it comes to trading options, a lot of people are left with empty pockets…

But that’s because – most people have traded options as ‘buyers’ not as ‘sellers.'

And those options buyers do lose money … 80% of the time, actually.

But think about that for a moment – if the buyer is losing money, who is making money?

The option seller is making the money, right?

Even national media have recognized that the options seller has significant advantages, like the Financial Post, Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg News:

There are two types of options you, as an investor, can sell:

Most, or at least many investors are familiar with Call options, specifically “covered calls” (or also known as ‘writing calls’).


A call option, when sold, means you, the seller, are willing - but not required - to sell shares to the buyer at a specific price by a specific date.

Selling a call option is a bearish strategy – it means you believe the price of the stock will stay below a specific price by a specific date.

The less familiar option is the Put option.


A put option, when sold, means you, the seller, are willing - but not required - to buy shares from the buyer at a specific price by a specific date.

Selling a put option is a bullish strategy – it means you believe the price of the stock will stay ABOVE a specific price by a specific date.

Here’s a simple, if silly, example of selling weekly PUT options:

This is a chicken. This is a road. And it’s Tuesday morning.

The buyer of the option is betting that the chicken will cross the road (without getting hit by a truck)...

…but the chicken must get to the other side by this Friday, and no later.

The buyer pays the seller $100 to bet on the outcome of the chicken crossing the road by this Friday, and if the buyer is correct, the value of that option will be worth more than the $100 he paid.

The seller of the option knows it’s unlikely (since the road is filled with trucks) and sells the option to the buyer, collecting the $100.

As each day passes and the Chicken does not make it to the other side of the road, the value of the option goes down (meaning the buyer is losing money).

And by Friday, the chicken doesn’t make it to the other side of the road, so the option buyer loses his $100; 

And the options seller keeps the full $100.

The advantage the seller has is this: Everytime the buyer loses with an options trade, that means the seller (which will be YOU) wins.

What David, Jack and all of our followers have learned from us over the last 14 years is this

When you sell an option:
You get Instant CASH.
The buyer (literally) hands you money so that you are now managing PROFIT, while the buyer is left to manage RISK.
You get the advantage of time decay, the rapid loss of value in an option, because weekly options expire at the end of every week.
The odds are in your favor because the seller has 3 ways out of 4 to win. The buyer only has 1 way out of 4 to win.
When an option expires worthless, you, the seller, keep 100% of the cash.
You, the seller, can choose to end the trade profitably at any point in time.

But first, a few key and frankly, honest points to make:


In order to sell a PUT option, you must have 100 times the price (strike) of the option in your portfolio as “collateral” in the unlikely event you take assignment of the shares.


That means a $50 strike to sell a put option requires $5,000 in capital as collateral.


Once the option trade is closed, your capital is immediately available (you have not spent this money; it is used as collateral. When the trade ends, your collateral is back in your hands)


In order to sell a CALL option, you must have 100 shares of stock for each call option sold.


To be able to generate consistent weekly income, you need at least $50,000 of stock or cash assets in your portfolio or trading account.


You CAN do this in an IRA. You usually need to fill out a little extra paperwork

That “collateral” – called a cash-secured Put – That’s the ‘be your own bank’ concept I just shared with you.

You are ‘borrowing’ your cash to generate income on that cash, as often as you want.

That’s because:

Selling options is an income strategy. Buying options is gambling. 

That’s why options sellers have a huge advantage over the buyers.

Our primary focus - our little income secret - is selling weekly put options.

Remember that your portfolio should be paying YOU in retirement.

This new option selling income stream has the potential to pay you at least 17% cash income from your portfolio every year…

That’s the goal we set each year: 17%

And the best part is: you can generate this income every week throughout the year.

Actually, our $50,000 portfolio has already surpassed that 17% goal this year.

Our income is collected nearly every week of every month and is averaging $254 per week in additional income for a modest portfolio.
We’re hitting our goals by making just a couple of income-producing trades each week, so we don’t have to spend hours upon hours trading. 

We sell our options to the buyers and collect our income by the end of the week, then repeat that process the next week.

Larger portfolios could turn these numbers into higher amounts of income without increasing their risk.

Secret: the process to make $250 per week

selling options is EXACTLY THE SAME as it is

to make $500, $1,000, $5,000 or even

$10,000 per week! 

Why am I Showing You SMALL Numbers?

Remember earlier I said you’d come back to this video again and again - this is one reason why.

By showing you MINIMUM goals and achievements, you can see how selling options may have greater potential for people who have more than $50,000.

For someone just starting out as an options seller, $50,000 is a reasonable minimum starting point to get reasonable income returns. 

As you get results, as you gain confidence in generating consistent income, you have the freedom to scale the capital you’re using so you can get more income.

Actually, let me show you how one person used that process in a ‘slow and steady’ way to double their income every single year for 4 straight years!

Welcome back to our private income investor files: 

You’re already seen David and Jack’s portfolio values: $64,000 and $90,000 and how they used options selling to pay themselves $575 and $1,050 averaged per week.

Before discovering Traders Reserve, David, Jack and most of our investors had:
Spent tens of thousands of dollars on options seminars, only to get no results.
Lost money buying options.
Lost money using complicated options strategies.
Lost money following 'social media' traders (YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, Reddit, Discord).
Lost significant money during dot-com and 2008-09 market crashes.
The 10x Income File
Meet “Tar Heel” Rick from High Point, North Carolina – when he first learned how to sell options for income with us, he started SLOWLY.
He had tried buying options (didn’t work); lost money TWICE in 2001 and 2008 stock market crashes; and, he was terrified that he wouldn’t have enough money for retirement for him and his wife.

Then he learned how to sell options with us. Now, full disclosure: Rick’s results as shared below are from 2015-2018.

It is the PROCESS he followed that you can learn from.
In his first six months, he paid himself $12,500 in income on a trading portfolio of  $50,000.

Now, Rick had more than $50,000 in his portfolio - but he wasn’t about to risk it all on a new income strategy. 

Instead, he took the tortoise, not the hare, approach: slow and steady.

Watch what happened:
The next year, he doubled that income to $25,000 by increasing his capital to $100,000.
The next year … would you believe he doubled his income AGAIN? 

To $50,000 on a trading portfolio of $200,000.

Note that as he got results, as he gained confidence in the process of selling options for income, he increased the amount of money he was using to pay himself more income…

In other words: he SCALED UP what he was doing.

And, his money never ran out.
In his fourth year selling options, I want to share a disclosure: 

In this year, Rick took everything he learned from us about selling options and began doing his own research and picking his own stocks and making his own trades.

That means some of his results are from trades we recommended, and some from his own income trading.

So how did he do?

In his own words:

“Tar Heel” Rick
High Point, NC

“ …my Schwab Regular Account, “Realized Capital Gains Report” through September is up over $120,000.

Last year it was up a little over $50,000 for the whole year so I’m on track to beat my record of doubling my account each year for my first 3 years…”

“Tar Heel” Rick
High Point, NC

“ …my Schwab Regular Account, “Realized Capital Gains Report” through September is up over $120,000. Last year it was up a little over $50,000 for the whole year so I’m on track to beat my record of doubling my account each year for my first 3 years…”
Rick 10x’d His Income In Just 4 Years
You can see from $12,000 in his first year to $120,000 in his 4th year.That’s $120,000 income on a $400,000 portfolio.

Each year his average weekly income increased from $480 to over $3,000.

Would you have more confidence to retire if you knew you could collect income of $3,000 per week?

Again, this is what’s possible.

Do you see what’s happening?
Investors of different experience levels, and different portfolio values are producing income that most investors never see even if they have a million dollars.
Yet, not one of those investor files I shared with you had the mythical “Million-Dollar” portfolio, did they?

They faithfully followed the ‘old way’ of socking money away, investing in stocks or bonds like 97% of Americans…

They were nowhere close to a million-dollar portfolio.

That’s the same investing principle we’re supposed to follow (put money in the stock market and let it grow) – just like the 30-year “IF” example I shared earlier.
But by taking just one step - the income they are generating for themselves is more than enough to give them the confidence needed to enjoy retirement.

While the portfolio values shared so far are closer to the average for most people nearing retirement, between $50,000 and $400,000…

What about people who DO have a million-dollars or more?

Well, meet Silver State Ben from Las Vegas, Nevada.

“Silver State” Ben
Las Vegas, NV

“I've been trading for 30 years … I used to buy and hold or even use dividend strategies … until the pandemic when I lost 35% of what I earned, what I worked for.... It was like gone … devastating.

(T)his year, I'm projecting to make more than half a million dollars (on a portfolio value of) about $1.4 million.”

“Silver State” Ben
Las Vegas, NV

“I've been trading for 30 years … I used to buy and hold or even use dividend strategies … until the pandemic when I lost 35% of what I earned, what I worked for.... It was like gone … devastating.

(T)his year, I'm projecting to make more than half a million dollars (on a portfolio value of) about $1.4 million.”
That’s $500,000 cash income based on Ben’s projections.

Or an annual return of 35%...

…exactly what he lost before he discovered us.

Before he was sitting where you are right now, listening to the same message about selling options to generate weekly income.

And that $500,000 in projected annual income is an average of $9,615 per week.
This means once you know how to make $250 per week selling options, you’ll know what it takes to make $500, $1,000 or $5,000 or $10,000 per week.
Just as each of the income investor files I’ve shared with you proved.

What I’m showing through these investor files is how to use the money you have to restore your confidence in:

Being able to retire;
Enjoying your retirement years;
Having retirement assets that never run out; and,
Choosing your own retirement adventure.
FEAR of running out of money;
the WORRY of losing your independence; or
ELIMINATING the 'fun' from your retirement years.

I’ve given you the key to being able to retire,

perhaps as soon as tomorrow.

What you do with it is up to you.
I showed you that investing $10,000 per year over 30 years, returning 7.5% annually (which you can verify with Google) will get you to $1 Million.
So, if you’re younger than 40, you have those 30 years, but you may not have that $10,000 per year. I just gave you the key so you can get it.
For people who want to retire early or are behind in retirement, you now have the key to earning consistent income from your existing portfolio, giving you the confidence you need to take that retirement step.
If all you did was to reinvest your income, you would still grow your money faster than traditional investing, as I showed you with Jack and David’s portfolio projections.
For people afraid to retire, I‘ve given you the key to using a modest goal to return enough income to cover the cost of living in retirement (at a minimum - you can do better).
For people in retirement, I’ve given you the key to collecting additional income without zeroing out your portfolio, because your money never runs out with this process.
In every case, you’ve seen that a million dollars isn’t necessary to begin retirement.

But I told you that you needed to take one step.

That one step is to join the 683 investors who are already generating income by selling options in our Options Income Weekly trading program.

The Only Options Selling Program
Designed to Help You Get Weekly Income
So You Can Retire When You Want To

"[Options Income Weekly] has given me the opportunity to use a relatively smaller amount of capital that affords my husband and I early retirement with income."

Dawn W ., Boise, ID
The Options Income Weekly program combines learning and earning by teaching and trading the options selling process with you.

You’ll learn how to sell options for income at the same time that we provide income-producing trade recommendations to you.

When you take this one step and join Options Income Weekly, you’ll have access to:
Our Team of Options Traders

Trading Leader

David Durham, who trades a real money $50,000 IRA WITH the Options Income Weekly community. Dave makes all of the trade recommendations, provides all necessary training and helps you manage your trades to the end.

Community Trading Leader

Emily Norris, who handles all trade alert communication via email, live trading platform, and SMS/text, and tracks in real time each trade so you always know what your next step will be.


Jeff Wood, who provides technical analysis, options analysis and stock and ETF research to help us continuously find new trading opportunities for the Options Income Weekly community.
In just the last 3 months, this team has outperformed our 17% goal, providing consistent income to our members on well-known stock names like United Airlines, UBER, Nvidia, and H&R Block…

…and on less well-known, but fundamentally-sound companies like restaurant group CAVA, semiconductor chip maker ON Semi, and utility provider NextEra Energy.
For a $50,000 portfolio, that’s potential income in the 3-month period of $2,744 or about $915 per month averaged, trading 2 to 3 contracts per trade.

At $915, a full year of income would be worth $10,976 to you, beating our 17% goal of $8,500!

A $100,000 portfolio could have annual income of $21,952…

… and a $200,000 portfolio potential annual income of $43,904!

If you’re ready to start getting income like this in your hands, you need to take this first step and join Options Income Weekly today.

Because those ‘gloom and doom’ headlines aren’t going away and you’ve already seen how hard it will be to reach that promised land of million-dollars.

More importantly, I’ve shown you that you don’t need to reach a million dollars to be able to retire or, to generate more income than you may think is possible …

You do need to get started today.

Here's everything that's included for you

When you join Options Income Weekly:


Weekly Trade Recommendations

Each week, you’ll receive 1 to 2 new trade recommendations for income. Trade recommendations include ALL necessary trade details, including target prices for entry and exit for the trade, so you can execute your trades quickly.

You’ll receive trade alerts when it’s time to open and when it’s time to close a trade so you always know what to do and when it’s time to take action (and collect your income!).


Live Trading Sessions Every Tuesday

You are NOT alone in this journey. Join Emily and Dave every Tuesday at 11:00am Eastern time for a live trading session on our Traders Reserve Live Members Platform.
You’ll be able to watch and trade with Dave as he makes that week’s recommendations and executes the trades WITH you. 

Plus, Dave and Emily will review and update any ongoing trades so you always know what to do.

Attending these sessions is NOT required because our trade alerts are sent in real-time. However, there is no substitute for being able to trade “with” our team, so I encourage you to attend them as often as you can.

Real-time Trade Alerts, Actions and Updates

Our trade alerts are sent to you in multiple ways to ensure you always receive them, especially if you cannot attend the live trading session.

  • Email
  • Text
  • Push
  • Members platform

Our Traders Reserve Live Platform instantly updates whenever we post an alert or update.

Email, SMS and Push Notifications are sent in real-time, so there’s no delay between the time we send an alert and the time you receive it.

Trade alerts always include full details and instructions for any action you need to take.


Weekly Income Plan Training Program

We know some people may be new to selling options, which is why we include a training program called the Weekly Income Plan, so you can learn how to leverage options selling the right way: with a plan.

You’ll learn how to set income goals, use your money to generate income, and the exact process we use to sell options for income. 

Plus, we’ll show you how to scale your income plan so that you can outperform your own expectations.

At just over one hour, we’ve focused this training on what you need to know to begin selling options for income in your very first live trading session or trade alert.

This training is delivered via our Livestream Member’s Portal, so you can watch it at your own pace and includes:
  • 11-Module Video Training Series covering the full breadth of what you need to know to begin selling options for income.

  • Videos are in short 5-10 minute modules to simplify the learning process.

  • Videos include closed-captioning and live transcript to help you know exactly what was said at any moment.

  • Complete Set of Video Transcripts if you prefer to learn by reading.

  • Weekly Income Plan Training Slides in PDF so you print them and take notes as you learn.

  • Desktop Cheat Sheets to help you master the options selling process and never miss a step or important detail in your income trading experience.

  • Special Calculator to help you make the right trade every time.


Options Income Weekly Trading Lessons

You also get ongoing training to keep you up-to-date on new approaches, new ideas and other topics you need to know to build your confidence in selling options for income.

Ongoing training sessions are held throughout the year with the Options Income Weekly members in a live webinar which is recorded and added to the Ongoing Training program. 

Traders Reserve Live Member’s Platform

Our biggest advance for helping people is our new LiveStream Platform. No more Zoom calls, or having to register for endless webinars. The Traders Reserve Live Platform gives you instant access to everything you need:
  • Attend live trading sessions right on the platform
  • Get your trade alerts - instantly - on the platform
  • Connect with other members and traders and our trading team
  • Access recordings of live trading sessions or special training sessions
  • Access your Weekly Income Plan and Options Income Weekly training materials

Weekly Newsletter

Each week, we highlight a trade result from the previous week and deliver our analysis through our Filthy Rich, Dirt Poor email newsletter. 

This analysis helps you to continue the learning process, and shares valuable insights gained through the trading process.
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PLUS.... There's More!
U.S.-based Customer and Trading Support Staff
You are not trading alone. If you have questions, you need to know that you can get them answered. Not only can you ask questions during live trading sessions, and through the community chat, you also have access to Dave and Emily through email support. Our customer care team, Mike and Leslie, will take care of any other issue or question you may have
This is the most complete program for investors who want to generate more income by selling options.
Here again is everything included with Options Income Weekly
1-2 Trade Recommendations Every Week
Trade Alerts and Updates by Email, SMS, Member’s Live Platform and Push Notification
Live Trading Sessions Every Tuesday at 10:30am Eastern Time
Weekly Income Plan Training Program
Options Income Weekly Ongoing Training
Traders Reserve Live Member’s Platform
Weekly Newsletter (Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
Community Chat
The value of everything provided to you as a member of Options Income Weekly goes beyond just making money.

It’s building the confidence that you can do this long-term, like Leona S., from Chicago, Illinois – listen to her experience:
“I have had an incredible trading experience with Trader’s Reserve that has exceeded all my expectations. From the seamless platform interface to the insightful market analysis and trade recommendations, every aspect has been smooth and efficient. 

Customer support is also top notch, providing quick responses and helpful advice whenever needed.

I’ve seen significant growth in my portfolio and have gained more confidence in making informed trading decisions.  Highly recommend it!”

Leona S., Chicago IL 9/25/24
You can join the members like Leona to experience everything Options Income Weekly has to offer you so you can get started on YOUR retirement adventure today:
30-Day Explorer Pass Is Just $97
This is NOT an automatic renewal subscription.

That’s just $3.23 per day to learn and earn with a team that has helped investors like you to transform retirement from a nightmare into a reality, or to potentially retire as early as tomorrow!

You can’t even get a coffee at Starbucks for that price, and Starbucks can’t help you retire (even IF you own their stock!).

That 30-Day Explorer Pass gives you a realistic amount of time to:


Learn the process to sell options for income


Experience the live trading sessions


Make your options trades with our team


Get weekly income from your trades

We’ve also found that 30 days gives you a realistic amount of time to get results without the pressure of worrying about when your subscription renews.

The 30-Day Explorer Pass also allows you to take a

slow and steady approach to making your

options trades with us.

That means you can trade small - the absolute minimum of 1 contract per trade - and still pay for your Explorer Pass in just a few trades.

Here are three recent trades we made in Options Income Weekly, where you could have earned $298 total income...

...more than paying for your 30-Day Explorer Pass, and still have over $200 in net profit or income!

And those trades were closed (ended) in just 10 days -

That’s how quickly the Options Income Weekly Explorer Access Pass can pay for itself, even if you’re trading the absolute minimum. And you still have another 20 days to earn income!

See why the ‘small’ numbers I shared earlier are so important … and powerful?

Plus, our unique Access Pass system gives you control:

  • You decide whether Options Income Weekly is right for you.
  • You decide whether selling options is right for you.
  • You decide whether this is the right time for you to learn and trade options.

Why is that control unique and important?

Because the Access Pass is NOT an automatic recurring charge.

  • YOU decide IF you want to continue with Options Income Weekly 
  • YOU decide WHEN you want to continue with Options Income Weekly
  • YOU decide HOW LONG you want to continue with Options Income Weekly

At the end of 30 days, if you are enjoying Options Income Weekly,

… discovering the trades are profitable,

… the interactive live trading sessions are valuable,

… the trade alerts are immediate

… the training programs are focused and helpful…

…and that you want to continue to master the art of generating income from options, YOU self-renew your Explorer Access Pass. It’s that simple. 

(We promise to let you know when it’s about to expire).

On the other hand, if you find that selling options isn’t for you, that’s ok. It happens.

At the end of the 30 Days, your access simply ends.

No need to call or email to cancel. Our system automatically takes care of it for you.


No need to ‘prove’ you tried it by forcing you to send in trading proof or some other ridiculous requirement.


No need to explain why it didn’t work for you.


No need to worry about being charged again, because the Access Pass isn’t a subscription.


Your access to Options Income Weekly would simply end.

It’s kind of like how your hotel keycard stops working at checkout time…your access just ends without you ever worrying about being charged again.

But as a thank you and as a special bonus, you can keep your access to the Weekly Income Plan Training Program and the special 34-page guide…

… even if you decide that Options Income Weekly isn’t right for you or if this isn’t the right time for you.

30-Day Explorer Pass Is Just $97

Now it’s time for you to take this first step.

If you want to use the money you have to restore your confidence in: 


Being able to retire;


Enjoying your retirement years;


Having retirement assets that never run out; and,


Choosing your own retirement adventure.

I’ve given you the key: Selling Options for Income

The only program that helps you earn and learn is Options Income Weekly.

Click the button below to start YOUR new retirement adventure today.
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Questions? Need Help?
(866) 257-3008
Copyright © Traders Reserve 2010-2024